7 Essential Tips For Copying Review

7 Essential Tips For Copying Review

Nothing can turn into a high copy weakling 97 pounds faster than a flawed review process. The result is marketing efforts and severely disabled, alas, fewer sales. Discover how you can avoid this dire marketing situation.

Nothing can turn into a high copy weakling 97 pounds faster than a flawed review process. The result is marketing efforts and severely disabled, alas, fewer sales.

How can you avoid this say marketing position?

By having a smart and consistent review process that preserves the selling power of your marketing communications. Here are 7 essential tips for reviewing and approving copy.

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On the first pass, read the copy (all) without your red pen in hand or editing hat. Thus your customers or audience will read it. You think about what now? Does the concept work? Did the title get your attention? How was the tone? Does the copy flow? If you start by editing the first sentence or sweating the details, you will make your customers or clients a disservice.

2. Do not get hung up on grammar and usage

If you think the copywriter has violated a writing rule, 9 times out of 10 there was a good reason. Are people copywriters sale in print, if we take liberty with the English language, it is for effect. Also, be aware that (editors and proofreaders) review and correct the copy before you see it. For example, I consider spelling, grammar, style issues, the use of the brand, and to ensure quality control of each piece of copy I write.

3. Avoid copying by the committee

There's this old joke that says if you want to kill an idea or a project, start a committee. Copy the Committee is no different. Contradictory and misguided comments to the editor and the creative team in the awkward position of trying to please everyone, but that is the most important - the target audience. One way around this is to circulate copies of the information to people who would like to see a copy. They can make comments without being part of the formal approval process.

4. Minimize turns

Provide complete feedback on the first turn, pass all your comments, suggestions and changes to the copywriter. This way the copywriter can consider everything when it rewrites the copy and you can shorten the review cycle. The copy is typically stronger when created in three rounds or less.

5. Make specific observations.

When you provide specific comments, the chances of success on the rewrite improve dramatically. For example, instead of saying, "It's not strong enough," say: "The needs of your being more authoritative" or "These are additional benefits the copy should cover. "Often put your comments in writing will help you be more accurate than if you just provide them orally.

6. Let the copywriter rewrite the copy

Instead of trying to "write" the changes you integrate, say to the editor of your concerns and let him treat them. The copy will benefit when the copywriter does the rewriting.

7. Judge the copy based on your goals

Ultimately, the copy was written with particular objectives in mind: to build your brand, generate leads or sales, inform about your business, products or services, and so on. Make sure the copy is technically accurate and correct facts. critical then copy based on what you want to accomplish, not on the number of superlatives, the latest advertising campaign of your competitor, or how it compares to your previous brochure.